Betekenis van:
communication channel

communication channel
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • radio- of tv-zender
  • (often plural) a means of communication or access





  1. Choice of communication channel
  2. the availability of the communication channel.
  3. the availability of the communication channel
  4. That communication channel shall be limited to the Member States concerned by the contact tracing.
  5. "Spread spectrum" (5) means the technique whereby energy in a relatively narrow-band communication channel is spread over a much wider energy spectrum.
  6. Throughout the submission and peer review evaluation process the PI will be the main channel for communication between the ERCEA and the applicant legal entity.
  7. Only if this channel is not available, another adequately secured, and given the circumstances, the most appropriate means of communication may be used.
  8. "Frequency hopping" (5) means a form of "spread spectrum" in which the transmission frequency of a single communication channel is made to change by a random or pseudo-random sequence of discrete steps.
  9. "Frequency hopping" (5) means a form of "spread spectrum" in which the transmission frequency of a single communication channel is made to change by a random or pseudo-random sequence of discrete steps.
  10. If a Member State wants to change channels of communication, the other parties have to be consulted in advance. Such a change of channel is possible only in specific cases.
  11. N.B.:'Solidify rapidly' solidification of molten material at cooling rates exceeding 1000 K/s. "Spread spectrum" (5) means the technique whereby energy in a relatively narrow-band communication channel is spread over a much wider energy spectrum.
  12. The European Network for the Protection of Public Figures, which was set up in 2002, should contribute to providing protection as a formal channel for communication and consultation between national authorities.
  13. In case the human readable TSL implementation of the Trusted List is not signed, its authenticity and integrity MUST be guaranteed by an appropriate communication channel with an equivalent security level.
  14. N.B.:’Solidify rapidly’ solidification of molten material at cooling rates exceeding 1,000 K/s. "Spread spectrum" (5) means the technique whereby energy in a relatively narrow-band communication channel is spread over a much wider energy spectrum.
  15. "Spread spectrum" (5) means the technique whereby energy in a relatively narrow-band communication channel is spread over a much wider energy spectrum. "Spread spectrum" radar (6) - see "Radar spread spectrum"